Thursday, February 15, 2007


(originally posted on 12/23/2006)
More on the USPS - Breaking News!
I am so happy and so mad that I think I am going to pass out!
This morning hubs and I were talking about our suck-succkety mail.
You see, I received a USPS confirmation number from a woman I bought pants from on eBay. The pants were delivered on 12/8 (the date I posted the original hate-blog! how ironic!) to what is allegedly my address... but I never saw them. But they were confirmed delivered to my address, which I knew to be false!
So, we decided to take matters into our own hands and do some sleuthing. See, we live on NORTH 7th Street, and in our city, there is also a CENTRAL 7th Street and a SOUTH 7th Street. We drove down the street (which doesn't connect with ours...) looking for another house with the same number. Sure the hell enough, there was another house, about 3/4 the way down the road with THE SAME NUMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got all shaky and crazy, and hopped out of the car and ran up to their door and knocked. Kids were inside playing, so we felt it was appropriate to knock, even though it was 930am.
Two teenaged girls answered the door, and we realized this was a spanish-speaking home. Also in the house were a couple of toddlers and a middle aged man - dad maybe? We cautiously explained our proiblem and asked if they had received anything with the name Collins to which they replied "Coollins, yees!" with excitement.
Then the 3 oldest ones proceeded to pull 20+ pieces of our mail out of their cupboards.
Packages, bills, the check from our renters, insurance documents, personal letters, etc. I was so thankful and relieved, but at the same time I was mad. Not at the kind people who kept our mail... since September... but at the Mother fukkking Post Office.
You see, every single piece of mail had the correct address written on it. EVERY ONE. The post office was just delivering to the wrong house. Even after I had called, spoken to the postmaster and complained, mail was still going to the wrong address. LOTS of mail.
We went immediately to the post office and complained again to the postmaster who, even during all of the holiday rushing, took a few minutes to speak with us. She was more than nice, as she has been on so many occasions, but we hope the problem will get fixed THIS TIME, and pronto!
As for the family who kept our mail, they are getting some home made cookies from me, and a magnet with our phone number in case this happens again - which it probably will.
At least the mystery of the missing mail is solved... for now.

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