Thursday, February 15, 2007

Colorado Rules!

(originally posted 12/10/2006)
Colorado Rules!
Hubs, Ash and I are vacationing in Colorado. It is awesome.
Yesterday we had a marathon day: parade in the early am, finish packing, get on a plane in the late afternoon, 2 hour layover in Atlanta, and arrival in Denver around midnight. To complicate things, we decided to travel with a zealous toddler (!). This was all tiring but manageable until the piste de resistance: The passengers in front of us on the 4 hour plane trip from Atlanta to Denver must have enjoyed a meal of Taco Bell bean burritos, broccoli and eggrolls prior to the flight. I mean, it smelled like they were piping in fart smell. It woke me up once when I was sleeping. It was so bad that when we got off the plane and rode the train to the baggage claim, I opened my carry-on (which had been stowed beneath the seat in front of me, in the direct line of fire) to locate my sweater and the abominable scent wafted out. It was vile. There was actually a weird story in the news last week about a woman who lit matches to cover the smell of her farts on an American Airlines flight... the plane had to make an emergency landing and the woman was fined and and banned from future flights. I was seriously thinking about this little match trick the entire time, and hoping someone would give these poor jerks at least a zippo!
But we woke up this morning to coffee and banana pancakes at my dad's house, and it is already worth the struggles of yesterday. I got my hair did (cut and color... adorable) this morning and I am feeling good! Aside from my dad having tons of wonderful Coloradoan microbrews in his fridge - which I can't partake in - this is the beginning of a wonderful trip.
Better than those poor folks on the plane...

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