Thursday, February 15, 2007

strange lady

(originally posted 11/28/2006)
strange lady
Pregnancy sure makes you strange...
This morning, I am driving to work and I am listening to my hubby's radio station. Well, every song he was playing was putting me in a great mood... "Back on the Chain Gang" by the Pretenders! "Black Cow" by Steely Dan! "Cinnamon Girl" by Neil Young! I had my sunroof open, I was singing along at the top of my lungs, having a killer time... then another great song: "You May Be Right" by Billy Joel! I could not help it, and I just started bawling uncontrollably. So I called him and told him about it. I am snotty, crying, laughing, and singing and he answers and all I can say is "You are a genius, I love you!" and he thinks I am a complete lunatic.
Well, I am.
Last night I am famished, starving, and the only thing to cure my hunger is lasagne. So hubby, Ash, and I meet at Olive Garden for some tasty viddles after work. Well, our young waiter comes by the table 3 times and is sent away by my husband who has a terrible time deciding what to order at restaurants... (He reads every ingredient of evcery meal before he decides what to order, and , usually hates his food! I tell him to let me order for him because I know what he likes and I can order in a timely fashion, but he refuses to be degraded by having me choose for him...) After the 3rd visit, I tell hubs that I am going to go ahead and order because if I don't I will be gnawing on the stump where my hand used to be (what? I was really hungry!). So he hurries and makes his selection, and I (finally!) order my lasagne (that I had picked out at 8am). The food is quick to come out and I eat 3 bites and decide I'm full. WTF?! I waited all day for this!
Oh, and by the way, he hated his dish.
A couple of other things that suck about being pregnant:
1) My clothes don't fit anymore but my weight is the same as the day I got knocked up.
2) If I get too hungry, I throw up. If I get too full, I throw up. If I eat the wrong thing, I throw up. If I smell a weird smell, I throw up. If I even think about raw meat, I throw up. If I am throwing up in the bathroom and it isn't spotlessly clean, I throw up more. If I throw up, I get a headache, if I get a headache, I drink caffiene, if I drink caffiene, I throw up.
3) I can't make it through a 1 hour tv show without falling asleep.
4) I feel like the biggest whiner all the time. But seriously!? I have felt like I have the flu for 5 weeks now! You would whine too!

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