Thursday, February 15, 2007

Still crazy

(originally published on 2/9/2007)
Still crazy, after aa-aalll these months!
Blog blog blog, blog for the public! Blog blog blog, blog.
Sorry, public, I haven't had too much to blog about this week.
"But surely something has pissed you off, Cayce?"
Yes, many things, but nothing singly worthy of 30 minutes of typing. You see, I have been busy buying designer maternity jeans on e-bay and researching travel systems and cribs. And working! I have actually worked a lot the past few weeks - feels good.
And no, I have not watched American Idol*. *Okay, I am lying. But just once and just for 15 minutes, and I punished myself by not sleeping all that night.
But here's a brief rundown of my crazed pregnant psyche's recent irritants:
Sweet Mother Of God: Must I miss every single light when I am running late? Every. Single. Light. 12 in a row. Feck me!
My husband walked down the stairs yesterday after I had just mopped them. Put his large footprints on each stair. My face got hot with rage, but I didn't yell. I did, however, launch the mop across the room, and lock myself in the office to pout.
No one wants to talk to me about anything other than my pregnancy. What will we talk about after I give birth? "How big was your placenta?" No. The baby, I guess. Is the rest of my life confined to discussions of my kid? I feel like my identity is my pregnancy and my baby, and no longer me. That sucks eggs; I am cool, too.
Who charges $30 for shipping on a pair of jeans (eBay)? Ab-feckin'-surd.
A child molester just moved in across the street and down 3 houses. I told Ashton never to talk to the neighbors that live at "that" house to which he replied "That's not nice, we should be their friends and ask them to go to the park with us." Uh, no. And have you ever seen the pictures on those child molester printouts? It appears the cops showed up during the actual act and took their mug. They all look greasy, skanky, and guilty. Eww. Look at mine :
And then there's this guy, a few streets over:
Now that I have grossed you out completely, I have just one more thing to mention:
Tomorrow, I will OFICIALLY be half-way through my pregnancy! Woohoo, I am going to drink half a keg of root beer.

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